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3 tips to enjoy every moment of your wedding day.

You spent a lot of time planning your wedding day. So it makes sense to really enjoy it right now. But, if you are not careful, stress and anxiety may take precedence over enjoying the fruits of your labor. At the end of the day, the most important moment of a wedding is the celebration of your love and the beginning of your life together. Brides need to remember this when they start to get stressed. If they do not remain "present", your wedding day will pass in a moment without you really experiencing or enjoying it.

With that in mind, here are 3 tips from the My Dreamful Wedding team to help you live in your moment to the end!


1. Leave your phone in your bag or give it to your maid of honor.

We all know that phones are a daily distraction, and they will be on your wedding day if you do not put them aside. On your wedding day, you definitely do not need anything else that catches your attention. Give it to your best man or ask a family member or friend to carry it only for emergencies. You have hired a professional photographer, so you do not need to take pictures and whoever you are thinking of calling or texting will be there. If there was ever a time to disconnect from social, your wedding day is perfect.

2.Do not make plans during your wedding week

There is so much to do in the days leading up to your wedding. But instead of leaving them to the last minute, we suggest you deal with them as early as possible so that the stress of last minute obligations does not exist on your wedding day. Make sure your plans, invitations, wedding favors are well done before your wedding week. Setting the tone with a calm, relaxing week will put you in the right mindset to be stress-free and present on your wedding day.

3.No matter what , you must eat

The wedding day is indeed a very tiring day. And you do not want your stomach to steal the show. Start your day with a good breakfast and before you put on your dress eat some protein and some carbs or fruit.

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